Pretty Procrastination
I don't procrastinate all that often but when I do, at least the results *almost* provide a reasonable excuse. Today's Gratitude Item: Cooler weather, a long nap and an enjoyable…
I don't procrastinate all that often but when I do, at least the results *almost* provide a reasonable excuse. Today's Gratitude Item: Cooler weather, a long nap and an enjoyable…
This one could have been called 'Garden Tunnel'. Today's Gratitude Item: iTunes 'most played' list. The group that is hosting this year's dance camp asked for my group's 20 favourite…
As in flower meets airplane. Today's Gratitude Item: Being up-to-date with my 9th grade marking. Sadly I still have a largish pile of marking from my other classes awaiting my…
This one is too floral for my liking... Today's Gratitude Item: My 9th grade students are, for the most part, starting to think like designers in terms of colour, layout…
There is a bit of everything in this one - it might be overkill. Today's Gratitude Item: Finding an effective way to get in touch with Microsoft about the large…
Both attractive and sugar free. Today's Gratitude Item: Being able to trouble shoot a client's email issue without too much fuss. It's good when that happens.
I tried something quite different with this one and it mostly worked. Today's Gratitude Item: Getting my timetable onto Google Calendar. It was tricky but not as hard as it…
Made on New Year's day - hence the title. Today's Gratitude Item: Google groups! This is a convenient way to send out 'mass emails' where users can easily subscribe /…
Was having a 'magpie' moment with this one. As in it was shiny, so it got rendered. Today's Gratitude Item: Still having two weeks of holiday left. It turns out…
As is so often the case, this one was a pleasant surprise. Today's Gratitude Item: Being gifted a replacement android 'alien' USB / key-ring. The original was stolen by one…