Checkered Classic
Turning this one 45 degrees made quite a difference. Today's Gratitude Item: Having classes to teach for the first three periods tomorrow. This guarantees that I won't be asked to…
Turning this one 45 degrees made quite a difference. Today's Gratitude Item: Having classes to teach for the first three periods tomorrow. This guarantees that I won't be asked to…
Changing the orientation of this one both improved it and made it slightly unnerving at the same time. Today's Gratitude Item: Making modest headway on my 'to do' list. I'm…
Target practice anyone? Today's Gratitude Item: Making significant progress on my marking pile. Am hoping for more of the same tomorrow.
This one was post-processed a bit - originally it was only half as good. Today's Gratitude Item: Writing a Python program to automatically copy and rename a .pdf to generate…
Sometimes the flower generated by Apophysis can look almost like the real thing. Today's Gratitude Item: Getting the information that I needed to prepare for tomorrow's Math's class 'just in…
This is a twist on a flower fractal. Today's Gratitude Item: School holidays are finally here! Thus begins two weeks of bliss. Also known as having time to catch up…
More fractal flowers, this time they have been 'squared'. Today's Gratitude Item: That parent / teacher conferences are over. It was a worthwhile exercise but, like all things that are…
Took my time with the background on this one and I think it paid off. Today's Gratitude Item: Finally getting the 'go ahead' to store my moderation electronically rather than…
Is it a weed or a flower? Today's Gratitude Item: Getting teacher aide help with my 'mixed ability' Math class. Some of the students are really struggling and having another…
Sometimes 'pale' can be pretty. Today's Gratitude Item: Reaching a blogging milestone. This is post #4,000 :)