Blooming Trumpet
An experiment that turned out well. Today's Gratitude Item: That my google advertising (at the bottom of this page) finally made it over the $100.00 mark. It has taken almost…
An experiment that turned out well. Today's Gratitude Item: That my google advertising (at the bottom of this page) finally made it over the $100.00 mark. It has taken almost…
An experiment which did not turn out all that well. Small version looks sort of OK. Large version is a nightmare (don't say you weren't warned). Today's Gratitude Item: Being…
Complete with kid's ball and matching blanket. Today's Gratitude Item: That my dad did not go to an office event last Friday. Said event was a black tie affair but…
I revisited Fractal Science Kit and this is what happened! Today's Gratitude Item: That the internet makes it easy to find artists / photographers so that one can ask for…
Is this one bright enough to attract digital bees? Today's Gratitude Item: That the blender skills I acquired back in 2007 have not been totally forgotten. Having said that, the…
I thought that the fractal would match the colours of the doll a bit better. It's not a total loss, at least this doll stands. Today's Gratitude Item: Finding two…
Playing with the background really helped improve this one. Today's Gratitude Item: Finding this... It's a combination keyring / coin-holder in the shape of a sock. Basically it's the ideal…
I love it when playing with old params and new variations "works". Today's Gratitude Item: Finding a page which lets me report DMCA violations to hostgator. They are one of…
This one was a struggle. Its too similar to previous efforts and whilst its pretty enough, its hardly original. Sometimes it goes like that :( Today's Gratitude Item: Finally getting…
If only it were possible to get ribbons like these - wrapping gifts would be much more entertaining. Today's Gratitude Item: That tomorrow is teacher only day! Whilst it's still…