Spiral Shell Flower
An image that combines delicate with ornate. Today's Gratitude Item: From Tuesday, my load gets a little bit lighter as a colleague will be taking over my tutor group for…
An image that combines delicate with ornate. Today's Gratitude Item: From Tuesday, my load gets a little bit lighter as a colleague will be taking over my tutor group for…
Old fashioned but still kind of cool. Today's Gratitude Item: The digger has left the premises! Which means that I'm one step closer to being able to park my car…
Perhaps this one should have been called 'Frilly Flower'. It's edgy and cool which is a good thing. Today's Gratitude Item: For the first time this year I did not…
It's been ages since my last 'Mandelbrot'. This one has an additional flower which is quite cool. Today's Gratitude Item: Using Chat GPT to help with an Excel formula. That…
It's pretty but it looks like a fake flower rather than a real one. Today's Gratitude Item: Finding a reasonably quick way to connect a python interpreter to Pycharm. This…
Similar to yesterday's image but different enough to be worth keeping. Today's Gratitude Item: Having a bit more time to get things sorted for later in the week when classes…
I really like the detail of this one - especially near the center of the flower. Today's Gratitude Item: That next week is a 'short' week. We have teacher only…
Yet another image that looks like an African Violet. Today's Gratitude Item: Getting an extra hour's sleep this morning. The 'working from home' thing went well and my colleague and…
Another image that is perfect for Shabbat! Today's Gratitude Item: Having plenty of reading material thanks to several of the books that I had 'on hold' becoming 'available for downloading'.
The flower part was nice enough to make this one worth keeping - even though the rest is a bit messy. Today's Gratitude Item: Getting close to completing my current…