Open Sky
Very similar to yesterday's image but *just* different enough to be worth keeping. Today's Gratitude Item: Figuring out how to send 'file requests' using OneDrive. This will make it incredibly…
Very similar to yesterday's image but *just* different enough to be worth keeping. Today's Gratitude Item: Figuring out how to send 'file requests' using OneDrive. This will make it incredibly…
Perhaps this one should have been called 'all bunched up'. Today's Gratitude Item: Maybe finding a way of making a folder for each student in a class and sharing said…
Sometimes things just sort of 'flow' - like this :) Today's Gratitude Item: Getting the latest Daniel Silva book from the library and the arrival of the latest edition of…
If checkered is good, this one is doubly so. Today's Gratitude Item: A brilliant day relieving at my old school! My colleagues were pleased to see me and it was…
Nice and simple. Sadly, getting the gradient 'just right' was anything but simple. Today's Gratitude Item: Getting *almost* everything on my 'long weekend to do' list done.
Sometimes 'pretty' hits the spot. Today's Gratitude Item: Finally getting the hang of Gimp's Bezier Path tool. This is an incredibly useful tool that has taken me years to figure…
Reminded me of a flower with flowing petals. Today's Gratitude Item: Only two more programming assignments to go! I'm really enjoying the course but have limited time to indulge.
Had fun making this one. No real ink was spilled in the process. Today's Gratitude Item: *Finally* figuring out how to make the 'macro' setting work on my dad's camera.…