Frame Possibilities
Another image with a subdued palette that worked out well. Today's Gratitude Item: Being chosen to run a workshop in November at CS4HS. I'm super excited as this is a…
Another image with a subdued palette that worked out well. Today's Gratitude Item: Being chosen to run a workshop in November at CS4HS. I'm super excited as this is a…
This 'textured frame image', whilst related to yesterday's offering is different enough to be featured here. That's my story and I'm sticking with it. Today's Gratitude Item: Having access to…
This one is a bit busy for my liking but it was not ugly enough to bin. Today's Gratitude Item: Finally getting a program I was working on to co-operate.…
I like it but was somehow hoping it would be 'more'. Today's Gratitude Item: Finally completing images for the upcoming Jewish holidays. It's always a bit of a mission coming…
A 'simple' image which took a very long time to get 'just right'. Today's Gratitude Item: Being kept busy! The relief work is coming 'thick and fast' which means some…
Had fun with this one - even though the design is not all that useful for other projects. Today's Gratitude Item: Finding a $20.00 note on today's walk. It was…
Being "square" can be a good thing :) Today's Gratitude Item: Getting the first draft of my reports done. Today was the final day of classes for my 12th graders.…