Mosaic Madness
Another 'modern but different' image. Today's Gratitude Item: That my dancers brought various speakers to class for us to try out. Our current system is not loud enough and the…
Another 'modern but different' image. Today's Gratitude Item: That my dancers brought various speakers to class for us to try out. Our current system is not loud enough and the…
I'm wondering if the tartan background on this one is a bit too subtle. Today's Gratitude Item: Taking a night off! Did not do any marking and am not feeling…
Perhaps this one should have been called 'blocky waves'. Today's Gratitude Item: Having time to work on some programming Professional Development this morning in our regular PD slot (let's just…
On of those times when 'classic' does not mean 'old fashioned'. Today's Gratitude Item: The days are getting noticeably longer. Whilst it's not quite spring, winter is definitely on the…
And now for something that is more abstract than usual... Today's Gratitude Item: Actually managing to complete my marking. Did not think that I'd get there!
I like the wooden colours but am not too sure about the actual design. Today's Gratitude Item: The feeling one gets when one has successfully tackled an intimidating marking pile.…
As in those fractal strings are wound quite tightly. Today's Gratitude Item: Realising that it is possible to create anki flashcards where one types in the correct answer (ie: recall…
Not quite a Star of David but compelling enough to keep. Today's Gratitude Item: Early notice that one of our regular meetings for next week has been cancelled. The only…
This is one of those times when subdued colours were the best option. Today's' Gratitude Item: That the library book that I downloaded before Shabbat is actually quite good -…
Perhaps this one should have been called 'Geometric String Flower'. Today's Gratitude Item: Finally figuring out how to correctly remove items from a list in Python when one wants to…