Rising Empire
If you stare at this one for too long, you risk getting lost in its complexity. Today's Gratitude Item: That the school where I used to work finally fixed the…
If you stare at this one for too long, you risk getting lost in its complexity. Today's Gratitude Item: That the school where I used to work finally fixed the…
Got lucky with the quotation. If you use your imagination, this one shows the sun rising over a series of mountains. Today's Gratitude Item: That I don't celebrate Christmas. A…
Made from scratch in Apophysis, the "Lazy Susan" plugin was responsible for the disc at the top. Today's Gratitude Item: School's Out!!! Do I really need to say more? Had…
If you squint and use your imagination, there is part of an infinity symbol on the upper left hand side of this image. Today's Gratitude Item: Help wrapping "prizes" for…
The quotation really says it all. Today's Gratitude Item: Two walks (total 8km) and two "new" books by my favourite author. Said books were ordered (for free!) from the library.
The question is, which bits of this image are "unnecessary". Today's Gratitude Item: Most of my students have handed in their permission forms for an upcoming field trip. Its been…
In that moment before a winner is announced, suspense builds up until it is bursting to come out. Today's Gratitude Item: Only three weeks of school left! I'm really looking…
This one took a while to create - hence the quotation. Today's Gratitude Item: Remembering how to make cool origami boxes from last year. I managed to misplace the instructions…
Sometimes with fractals its a matter of luck. So do you feel lucky? Today's Gratitude Item: Having another job interview today. I can't say anything about the outcome until Friday…
Named because it looks like a full moon and the pattern is the result of the Mobius Dragon variation in Fractal Science Kit. Today's Gratitude Item: Networking opportunities. It turns…