Copper Cog
This image is rather bright, so it comes with sunglasses. Today's Gratitude Item: Left overs. They mean a dinner that is really fast and easy to prepare. Most things taste…
This image is rather bright, so it comes with sunglasses. Today's Gratitude Item: Left overs. They mean a dinner that is really fast and easy to prepare. Most things taste…
This one is for my friend who was born in Holland! Hope you like it. Today's Gratitude Item: Having plenty to do during my holidays. Between books to read, graphics…
OK, so its closer to a curve than a line but I thought some artistic license was in order. Today's Gratitude Item: That my mom prays for me every night.…
This one started off as an image in Apophysis. Then it got post processed *a lot* in Paint shop Pro. The trick here is to stop when it looks good.…
File this one under "fun things to do on your own". Of course its more fun to play the game in a group, especially when you're winning! Today's Gratitude Item:…
Tonight is second night Chanukah. Below is the image that featured on the cover of "Kesher" this past quarter. The graphic was made using Blender. Today's Gratitude Item: Salt water.…
Its very different from my usual offering, but I liked the background design. Having said that, its too strong to be a wallpaper on its own. The idea behind the…
The texture of this one reminded me of crinkle paper, only this was a lot cheaper and less messy to construct. Today's Gratitude Item: Having a very effective remedy for…
Here' s another literal interpretation of the "wallpaper" idea. Space on the bricks is, of course, for those important icons. Today's Gratitude Item: Finally having the time to finish a…
Decided to take the "wall" part of "wallpaper" a bit more literally than usual. Today's Gratitude Item: That times really does go fast when you are having fun! My tutoring…