Gold Leaf

Classic Apo with "ribbons" down the side. Today's Gratitude Item: Getting home on time to tutor, despite some really horrible traffic. For some reason, the route that I usually take…

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Gold Shell

Its amazing how many variations one can get from a certain "style". Today's Gratitude Item: Our magnificent weather. Today was the second day in a row that featured blue sky…


Clock Flower

This one reminded me of a clock face for some reason. The "braid" at the side is derived from the same fractal as the main image. Today's Gratitude Item: A…

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Metal Peaks

For some reason, I'm still not bored with these Apo "weaves". This one has a nice metallic feel to it. Today's Gratitude Item: This really cool piece of software called…

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Molten Sun

Is it just me, or does this look a bit like a sunflower?? Today's Gratitude Item: Bendy plastic rulers. Turns out that they have many uses, one of which is…

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Industrial Action

The teacher union was threatening to strike last month. The strike was called off at the last minute because some kind of agreement to continue talking was reached. The image…

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Boxed In

This graphic is a tribute to Marcel Marceau. He was an inspirational man, and an inspirational mime! Today's Gratitude Item: Popcorn & television. Now all I need to do is…

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Singing Guy

This one was inspired by the sad news about Luciano Pavarotti. Whilst he has passed on, his music remains. He was so much more than just a "Singing Guy". Today's…

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Curtin Call

This one is pushing the limits a bit, but it makes for "interesting" wallpaper. Hopefully there' s enough black space to fit in all the necessary icons. Today's Gratitude Item:…


Dune Ripple

Made with the same parameters as "Rainbow Silk". Its amazing what a final transform and change in gradient can do. Today's Gratitude Item: That double chocolate chip muffins are on…

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