Old Brass Column

If you leave copper / brass long enough, it will eventually turn green. Today's Gratitude Item: Things are going smoothly - even if progress is slower than I'd like. It's…

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Lift Shaft

As in a bird's eye view of a lift shaft. Today's Gratitude Item: A great day where lots got done. This includes creating a series of fractals, an image for…

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Fairy Fountain

It took ages to find the right colours for this one. Today's Gratitude Item: A good day which involved food, napping, reading and creating fractals with no worries about work…

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Young Flax

It's woven and it's green - hence the name. Today's Gratitude Item: My screen-casting software is once again co-operating. It was throwing errors after a recent update and I though…

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Floral Jade

Apparently stone flowers are now a thing. Today's Gratitude Item: A really relaxing 'do nothing' day. Being on holiday can never be over-rated.

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Mask Net

As in a network made up of masks. Today's Gratitude Item: The filing cabinets which were taking up a large amount of space in our office have finally been removed.…

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Tendril Network

The woven look is old, the tendrils are a new twist. Today's Gratitude Item: That some of my students *finally* handed in work that was really overdue. It turns out…

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Floating Fan

As in it looks like a cross between a fan and some sort of water lily. Today's Gratitude Item: Making slow progress. Which is better than no progress. It's taken…

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Green Star

This might be the most environmentally friendly star in the series. Today's Gratitude Item: A safe and relatively easy fast. I'm mostly grateful for the fact that Yom Kippur is…

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Spiral Hill

As in a hill with a spiral center. Today's Gratitude Item: Being refreshed and *mostly* ready for the week ahead.

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