Ripple Hub
As in the result of crossing ripples with hub caps. Today's Gratitude Item: Being booked for the rest of this week and all of next week. Having this much relief…
As in the result of crossing ripples with hub caps. Today's Gratitude Item: Being booked for the rest of this week and all of next week. Having this much relief…
Having socks made from this fabric would be really fun. Today's Gratitude Item: That the baby bonnet I knitted today worked on the first attempt. The words 'quick and easy'…
This one took quite a bit of post processing which was an unwelcome surprise. Today's Gratitude Item: My post-dance snack. Was famished after class this evening and getting to sit…
Am not too sure about this one. It reminded me of water lilies (sort of). Today's Gratitude Item: Finding $2.20 on this morning's walk. Somehow picking up other people's dropped…
Fining a suitable gradient was anything but easy. Today's Gratitude Item: Making small in-roads into my massive marking mountain. At this point any progress is worth celebrating.
Revisiting old favourites is always a good idea. Today's Gratitude Item: A very useful webinar. Whilst some of the material was not exactly 'news', there was a lot there that…
Not only is this one similar to previous works, but the colours were most uncooperative. It was one of 'those' days. Today's Gratitude Item: Getting a relief request approved in…
The original looked a lot more like sack cloth. Today's Gratitude Item: A brilliantly relaxing day. I should have got more done but at this point taking time off is…
I'm sure we've been here before. Today's Gratitude Item: CSS Grid (and finally getting it to work).
Sometimes the woven look is a good option. Today's Gratitude Item: Today was the last day that I see my 12th graders and they pranked my classroom. Thing is, this…