Fern Spiral
A surprise combination of two of my favourite things (ferns and spirals). Today's Gratitude Item: Finally getting some fairly important contracts signed. Things were complicated by the fact that two…
A surprise combination of two of my favourite things (ferns and spirals). Today's Gratitude Item: Finally getting some fairly important contracts signed. Things were complicated by the fact that two…
It's amazing what can be achieved with virtual string. Today's Gratitude Item: My external moderation came back without any issues. This is a good thing :)
The background really helped to make this one 'pop'. Today's Gratitude Item: Getting some tedious (and annoying) paperwork out of the way.
Simple but hopefully effective. Today's Gratitude Item: Finding an easy to follow set of tutorials that are helpful when learning C#. Also helpful is the fact that at least some…
This one is, quite literally, 'nice and different'. Today's Gratitude Item: Getting a second puzzle book! It turns out that school holidays means having a lot of time to do…
This one could have been called 'Tartan Ripple'. Today's Gratitude Item: That making a *virtual* Sukkah was not as hard as anticipated. Having recyclable schach helped.
When I first saw this one, it reminded me of tread marks - hence the name. Today's Gratitude Item: Being able to use the Gym in the community center where…
Weird things happen when you mix diamonds and flowers. This one is firmly in the 'not sure if this was a good idea' pile. Today's Gratitude Item: That thus far…
A fun surprise which was less difficult to create than one might think. Today's Gratitude Item: That sometimes it is easy to fix kid's broken code. Weirdly one of the…
This one is for all the Trekkies out there. Today's Gratitude Item: Getting a surprising amount of 'stuff' done. An actually feeling vaguely ready for the week ahead.