Beyond Borders
This one worked well with almost any gradient. I eventually settled for the green / blue / purple colours as they seemed "right". Today's Gratitude Item: That a staff training…
This one worked well with almost any gradient. I eventually settled for the green / blue / purple colours as they seemed "right". Today's Gratitude Item: That a staff training…
The green stuff reminded me of grass that has recently been mowed by a talented grounds keeper. Today's Gratitude Item: Having time to send out feedback to one of my…
Had fun with this one. Only problem is that it took around two hours to render. Today's Gratitude Item: Getting all five of 'my' images for the upcoming Chaggim done.…
Everything for this image came together really well. It's good when that happens. Today's Gratitude Item: Having time to unwind. I seriously love school holidays. Work is generally great but…
An unexpected Apophysis creation :) Today's Gratitude Item: Realising that my external 'back up' drive was broken. It's been making a weird clicking noise and when I tried to access…
This one was created around Christmas time 2011. I think there was something in the air as the Christmas type images kept appearing. Needless to say it was a frustrating…
This one would look good on top of a Christmas Tree. Today's Gratitude Item: Finally finishing my second Apophysis Tutorial / Screencast. It was good practice to make said screencast…
Some things are so bright, you just have to shield your eyes. Today's Gratitude Item: Freshly baked mini-muffins (yum)!
Was playing with some old parameters in the hope of generating something new. Turns out that this is a good strategy. Today's Gratitude Item: Getting the microphone on my laptop…
This one is not quite a sphere, but then its not made of string either. Today's Gratitude Item: That 'extra creamy' feta cheese only has 15% fat. The weird thing…