Ancient Tree
Just like yesterday, there are spirals in this one too. Today's Gratitude Item: That finding a list of the named colours that can be used in Python (and the associated…
Just like yesterday, there are spirals in this one too. Today's Gratitude Item: That finding a list of the named colours that can be used in Python (and the associated…
This one could either be spring arriving, or summer leaving. It's hard to tell. Today's Gratitude Item: The bread-maker! Nothing is quite as delicious as freshly baked bread products. Today's…
A perfect image for a perfect summer's day. Today's Gratitude Item: That it was not too hot today! I really enjoyed the overcast, cooler weather.
Another one of those times when 'subtle' is 'good'. Today's Gratitude Item: - this is one of my favourite tools and it's great for wire-framing and can also be…
This might be the strongest piece in this particular series. Today's Gratitude Item: Writing a program that lets me easily solve polygonle (a Wordle like puzzle game). Using the program…
This one looks a bit organic - in a good way. Today's Gratitude Item: Quite a fun day where I got a few odds and ends sorted.
I liked the detail at the center of this one, so it got rendered. Today's Gratitude Item: A Monday that did not feel like a Monday. Being on holiday is…
As in I took a bit of a risk with this one and it payed off. Today's Gratitude Item: That the internet makes it really easy to keep in touch…
Perhaps this one should have been called 'framed vortex'. Today's Gratitude Item: Brilliantly sunny weather. It made a lovely change from last week's rain.
I wonder what kind of vehicle would make these tracks... Today's Gratitude Item: That our 'Junior Activity Week' activities went quite smoothly. The students seemed to enjoy the various online…