Brown Eye
This one turned out a bit more orange than anticipated. Today's Gratitude Item: Really quiet classes. For some reason my students decided today was the day they wanted to work…
This one turned out a bit more orange than anticipated. Today's Gratitude Item: Really quiet classes. For some reason my students decided today was the day they wanted to work…
Here is what happens when one combines eyes and an infinity symbol. Today's Gratitude Item: Tissues! Whilst having a running nose is not fun, having a running nose and no…
When naming things, sometimes opting for simple and obvious is a good idea. Today's Gratitude Item: Taking things a bit easy this weekend. I'm up-to-date on my marking and ready…
Holes can be a good thing. Today's Gratitude Item: That following up on student attendance this morning took less time than usual. It's a small thing but it was a…
As in that tunnel leads somewhere - only the exact location is a mystery. Today's Gratitude Item: Finding a kanban system that might work well with my junior classes. Whilst…
It's almost gift wrapped but not quite. Today's Gratitude Item: Getting through a fair bit of marking. Did not quite get all of it done but the end is in…
Was really please with this one - I've always had a 'thing' for geometric shapes. Today's Gratitude Item: A free 'flu jab which did not hurt too much. Here's hoping…
I'm pretty sure we've been here before... Today's Gratitude Item: Finding a short ethernet cable in my office at school. For some weird reason when I arrive at school, the…
Was particularly pleased with how this one turned out. Today's Gratitude Item: That the construction / roadworks that has been going on for months in my local area has finally…
Finally something a bit different! Today's Gratitude Item: Finally figuring out the source of some mildly annoying spam and hopefully putting a stop to it.