This one is so hot, that even three water bottles is insufficient! Today's Gratitude Item: The pre-Christmas rush over at Shutterstock which saw 23 of my images downloaded today. That's…
This one is so hot, that even three water bottles is insufficient! Today's Gratitude Item: The pre-Christmas rush over at Shutterstock which saw 23 of my images downloaded today. That's…
Finally got Incendia to cooperate! The original image rendered for about 21 and a half hours. I rendered at the maximum size with double AA turned on and then shrunk…
I've been lucky with quotations recently. This one is a good fit for the image. Come to think of it, I got rather lucky with the image too. Today's Gratitude…
Whilst the image was not exactly what I had hoped for, the quote is perfect! Today's Gratitude Item: A day that was pretty much perfect. Managed to get some illustrating…
Interestingly, Incendia has forced me to learn a lot of useful stuff about PSP! The "select similar" option is extremely useful although PSP still does not get rid of all…
This one rendered for over 16 hours and was still not done! I had to smooth it out using the "noise" tools in PSP. I think it was worth the…
Another Incendia piece. This one rendered overnight I stopped it after about 9 hours. Thing was still not finished and I had to post process it in PSP to get…
This one is another Incendia creation. Like last time, it did not finish rendering (I stopped it after about 5 hours). Today's Gratitude Item: That my 7th graders did a…
This one was created with Incendia. This program can do some really amazing 3D stuff - provided one has the patience to wait for the renders to finish. I was…