Shiny Blue Wave
A pretty wave design which involved a bit of tiling. Today's Gratitude Item: That tomorrow should be less busy than today! Not that today was horrible, it was just exhausting.
A pretty wave design which involved a bit of tiling. Today's Gratitude Item: That tomorrow should be less busy than today! Not that today was horrible, it was just exhausting.
Another cool geometric network that is in the 'simple but effective' category. Today's Gratitude Item: Getting an extra hour today! The end of daylight saving is a good thing -…
Finally we have an image that I actually like. In this case 'quite dark' is a very good thing. Today's Gratitude Item: Cheap bus fares. In response to the disruptions…
Big Dreams need big dream catchers. Today's Gratitude Item: A perfect day - got a walk in before the rain and then spent the rest of day indoors where it…
I really liked the ripple effect on this one. Today's Gratitude Item: A delightfully quiet day that started with sushi and ended with apple strudel. This could be what holidays…
Intricate enough that it is worth a closer look. Today's Gratitude Item: There was a cafe voucher in my pigeon hole at school today. It's great when that happens.
This one is a network made out of metal and discs. Today's Gratitude Item: Bug spray. It makes getting rid of ants that have invaded indoor spaces just that little…
In a fractal world, this is what they make the 'lace' curtains from. Today's Gratitude Item: Having my non-contact first thing tomorrow morning. This means not having to be online…
Named for the colour and the delicate lines. Today's Gratitude Item: That the roller-coaster ride that was today ended on a positive note. Here's hoping that tomorrow has more ups…
A variation on a theme that was pretty enough to keep. Today's Gratitude Item: Finding 70c at school (three coins, two different places). It was weird but in a good…