Cozy Curl
When it comes to spinning spirals - I'm a fan. Today's Gratitude Item: That tomorrow is a glorious public holiday here in NZ and that I remembered to turn off…
When it comes to spinning spirals - I'm a fan. Today's Gratitude Item: That tomorrow is a glorious public holiday here in NZ and that I remembered to turn off…
This assumes that clouds are not involved in the dawn in question. Today's Gratitude Item: Managing to keep nice and warm on a particularly cold day.
One ripple is good. Multiple ripples are great! Today's Gratitude Item: Leaving school 'early'. As in our last period ends at 2:50 pm and we were told we needed to…
As in it looks like a warning sign - only it's hollow. Today's Gratitude Item: Our three week long school reading challenge is over. It was fun but I *might*…
A classic idea (sunrise) with a modern / funky twist. Today's Gratitude Item: Delicious, homemade chicken burgers for dinner. So good!
This one is a bit of a classic. Today's Gratitude Item: Our scheduled morning meeting was replaced with a brief (and useful) chat in Teams. It would be amazing if…
In a fractal world, this is what bubble wrap looks like. Today's Gratitude Item: We have a new principal! I'm excited about the change and am grateful that the person…
Strong, bright and symmetrical - everything one needs in a fire trap. Today's Gratitude Item: Getting the 'go ahead' to dance again in person. It's been a very long time…
If golf balls were orange and created in a fractal universe, this is what they'd look like. Today's Gratitude Item: That my matzah topped chicken pie tasted quite good. It…
This one is a bit retro but in a good way. Today's Gratitude Item: That my favourite sushi shop was open today. I was convinced it would be closed for…