Spiral Frame – Warp Speed
Whilst this one is not all that pretty, the adjectives 'funky' and 'interesting' apply. Today's Gratitude Item: Being able to download some unread books by my favourite author courtesy of…
Whilst this one is not all that pretty, the adjectives 'funky' and 'interesting' apply. Today's Gratitude Item: Being able to download some unread books by my favourite author courtesy of…
Quite simple but rather appealing. Today's Gratitude Item: Slowly getting things ready for the upcoming school year. Having a few more days to get ready is really good.
I really liked the waves in this one - hence the name. Today's Gratitude Item: Briefly catching up with a colleague before our return to work next week. Somehow it…
As in 'x' marks the spot. Can't see the 'x' - try tilting your head and squinting a bit. Today's Gratitude Item: A very productive day. Getting quite a bit…
This one is both cheerful and nicely textured. Today's Gratitude Item: That changing a PIN number on one of my bank cards was much easier than anticipated. I remember when…
It's a bit off-center but in a good way. Today's Gratitude Item: Air conditioning! I've probably been grateful for this before but when it's super hot outside and one is…
As in this one looks like a bunch of ghosts joined by a thin wire. Today's Gratitude Item: A delightful day spent making a series of fractals. It was remarkably…
The detail on this one is quite nice and definitely adds something to the overall piece. Today's Gratitude Item: Realising that it is very, very easy to make iced coffee…
Presenting another image in the 'woven purple / copper disc' series. Today's Gratitude Item: A perfect day which involved sushi, coffee and fractals. I have not been this relaxed in…
One of those images that turned out really well. Today's Gratitude Item: Finding a funky, new, watermelon shaped eraser after losing my old one. Said eraser is needed when working…