Encompassed Glow

This is the alternative to maps in a fractal universe. Today's Gratitude Item: A good day spent make more than a few fractals.

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Odd Entity

Sometimes 'odd' can be a good thing. That's my story and I'm sticking with it. Today's Gratitude Item: Getting in a good mix of 'work' and 'play'. Am frustratingly close…

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Lamp Line

I tried something a bit different and it worked. Today's Gratitude Item: Finding a fast way to align images in GIMP. It turns out that modifying and then using the…

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Braided Mystery

A bit of a disappointment but not quite bad enough to bin. Today's Gratitude Item: The start of a lovely long weekend. Time off is always a good thing.

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Mandel Sash

Named for the mini-mandelbrots that have been used as decoration. Today's Gratitude Item: Finding shelter from a mid-walk shower. My regular readers might think that I'm obsessed with the weather…

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Shield Flake

Is it a shield or a snowflake? You decide. Today's Gratitude Item: Getting a new pillow for my birthday. I'm looking forward to trying it out in the near future…

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Large Net

You can catch some pretty large things in this one. Today's Gratitude Item: That at least two of my students are working during the break. Unsurprisingly, the two who contacted…

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Flower Ring

As in a mix of a flower and a bunch of rings. Today's Gratitude Item: Aspirin! I'm amazed at how effective it is - happily headaches are a very rare…

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Double Disc

I"m not convinced this one was worth rendering... Today's Gratitude Item: Receiving positive feedback and kind comments from colleagues who use resources that I've shared.


Waffle Dawn

The texture is 'waffles', the colours are 'dawn'. Today's Gratitude Item: Getting a massive amount done! I had a day 'off timetable' (and off site) and was able to use…

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