Star Geometry
In this case, the star appears to be spinning. Today's Gratitude Item: Well trained students. Most of them have realised that getting assignment work in on time is very important.…
In this case, the star appears to be spinning. Today's Gratitude Item: Well trained students. Most of them have realised that getting assignment work in on time is very important.…
If you look closely at this one, you'll see the black hole... Today's Gratitude Item: That today was not unbearably hot. When one is 'stuck' teaching 30 teenagers at a…
This one would make a nice fabric design. Today's Gratitude Item: Being up-to-date with my marking at the start of the week.
This fabric is both silky and very expensive. Today's Gratitude Item: No school tomorrow! At least Waitangi Day is good for something.
Originally this one was more two dimensional but a slight adjustment to the gradient lead to something that looks more like tree roots than fabric. Today's Gratitude Item: That today…
Sometimes 'bright' can be a good thing. Today's Gratitude Item: Finally getting my 'pop-up' email form to work correctly. It turns out that using Jquery form validation was the way…
As in a 'Heat Wave' where things have been woven together. Given our recent weather, this image is oddly appropriate. Today's Gratitude Item: Lunch with a colleague - it was…
Sometimes summer days feel exactly like this - very hot. Today's Gratitude Item: 'The cone of silence' - this is literally a small bright orange cone that gets placed outside…
Sometimes 'very simple' looks complicated. This was one of those times.Today's Gratitude Item: Soft serve ice cream towards the end of my second walk of the day. This was a…
The original reminded me of the ocean. The post-processed image lost some of the 'ocean qualities' but gained a whole lot more. Today's Gratitude Item: Rice wraps and the fact…