Web Magic
Was not expecting this to happen - but was very glad that it did. Today's Gratitude Item: That according to this article drinking coffee has been linked to an increased…
Was not expecting this to happen - but was very glad that it did. Today's Gratitude Item: That according to this article drinking coffee has been linked to an increased…
Yet another fractal which reminds me of those paper lanterns we used to make as kids . In those days we did not have computers and had to use 'real'…
I could not help myself! Today's Gratitude Item: That most of my students seem to be enjoying our programming topic. It's the first time that I've taught it and things…
I have a 'thing' for strong geometric patterns and this one hit the spot. Today's Gratitude Item: That the new trousers I recently acquired are extremely comfortable :)
Was confident that this one would be easy to colour - let's just say things took much longer than expected. Today's Gratitude Item: Having had a really great holiday. I'm…
took ages to find a suitable gradient for this one. Today's Gratitude Item: Simply glorious walking weather. After the recent cold snap having a bit more 'summer' has been something…
The title really says it all. Today's Gratitude Item: Not getting 'pranked' by my students today. I suspect everyone is simply too tired to think up amusing practical jokes making…
Or possibly a red-hot solar panel. Today's Gratitude Item: Unexpected coffee :)
Looking at this one for too long could make one quite dizzy. Today's Gratitude Item: Finally getting an idea for a cartoon for 'drop down menu' week (it's a usability…
If only this were real... Today's Gratitude Item: Matzos! I don't have time to make my own this year but my dad has bought me some so we are 'good…