DNA Sphere
The background turned out much better than expected. Today's Gratitude Item: E-Books! For when it's too hot to go to the library. Being able to download some 'emergency' reading material…
The background turned out much better than expected. Today's Gratitude Item: E-Books! For when it's too hot to go to the library. Being able to download some 'emergency' reading material…
Dedicated to all those geneticists out there. Today's Gratitude Item: Remembering an old student's name! Running into past students is an occupational hazard and remembering their names qualifies as a…
As in a bunch of marbles on a grate of some sort. Today's Gratitude Item: Getting expert help figuring out the specs for the new computer that I'm getting. My…
As in this one has a whole bunch of tiles missing. Today's Gratitude Item: Having help putting together that photomosaic puzzle mentioned in
I wish I could say that I came up with this one on my own but it is based on this tutorial. Obviously tweaking was involved. If you are going…
To make space, begin with a spiral... Today's Gratitude Item: Being able to go to bed really late *almost* guilt free.
As in scales made of string / wire. Today's Gratitude Item: That some problems are easy to fix. It's a pity that too many problems are not in the 'easy…
As in this one is made up of straight bits and curves. Today's Gratitude Item: A noteworthy afternoon excursion (translation: found a $5.00 note on my afternoon walk). Every so…
One of my favourites in the series - was quite easy to make. Today's Gratitude Item: Managing to finish the PowerPoint for our school prize giving on Wednesday night. It…
This is one of those times when the background is a lot nicer than the foreground fractal. Today's Gratitude Item: A good turn-out for dance. Sometimes the group is much…