Give and Take
The existence of this one is a minor miracle. Today's Gratitude Item: That my last period class went well. Lets just say that sharing the computer lab with another group…
The existence of this one is a minor miracle. Today's Gratitude Item: That my last period class went well. Lets just say that sharing the computer lab with another group…
Another in the "was not expecting this" category. Today's Gratitude Item: That even though I made a massive mistake with an assessment we were running, things turned out all right…
Took forever to find colours that "worked" with this one. Today's Gratitude Item: That my car started without any dramas this morning. Yesterday it was too cold and there was…
This is the first flame rendered several months ago using my "new" computer (the old one "died" when graphics card got burned out). After several days of not being able…
This spiral turned out to be more furry than usual - this is a good thing. Today's Gratitude Item: Having time to think. Most teachers really don't enjoy supervising exams…
I thought this one would turn out better than it did. Never mind. Today's Gratitude Item: That a colleague brought some koeksisters to school. The only thing better than enjoying…
Its got orange and black stripes (sort of) - hence the title. Today's Gratitude Item: Having a really good session with my "challenging" 8th grade math class. They now have…
Was particularly pleased with the colouring of this one. Today's Gratitude Item: A better than expected turn out for Origami club. The kids really enjoyed the experience and it was…
This one is a cross between feathers and a four leaf clover - thus it must be lucky. Today's Gratitude Item: Finding these Sample Problems to challenge one of my…
Named because it reminded me of the flower - but with a star in the middle. Today's Gratitude Item: That blogger is finally working again. After two days of not…