Rose Wood
A variation on our current theme. Today's Gratitude Item: The days are getting noticeably longer. This is a small thing but more daylight makes things that little bit easier.
A variation on our current theme. Today's Gratitude Item: The days are getting noticeably longer. This is a small thing but more daylight makes things that little bit easier.
Really similar to yesterday's post but nice enough to be worth sharing. Today's Gratitude Item: Resolving a 'trip vs assessment' problem so that everyone gets what they want.
This one is a bit dull - but I liked it enough to hold onto it. Today's Gratitude Item: Unexpected dessert. It's good when that happens.
Funky but in a good way. Today's Gratitude Item: A really relaxing Saturday spent indoors thanks to the rain (said rain being a good thing).
I have some idea how this happened but at the time, it was something of a surprise. Today's Gratitude Item: Google Classroom's 'schedule' function. It's great to be able to…
In a fractal world, this is where ribbons are made. Today's Gratitude Item: Read one book (427 pages) and made four video tutorials. All in all a 'balanced' day which…
As in a wave that includes a pipe. Today's Gratitude Item: Getting quite a bit of concrete planning done for this year. It is amazing just how long it takes…
Sometimes 'free form' is a good thing. Today's Gratitude Item: Finally finishing an the ePub that I've been working on for the last three plus weeks. Getting it done and…
Named after the 'bird of paradise' flower which this one *sort of* resembles. Today's Gratitude Item: Being reminded of just how easy it is to set up a google site.…
Another of those 'it would be cool if it were real' images. Today's Gratitude Item: Finally getting assignment work from one of my students! Happily the work was sufficient to…