What If …

The Israeli flag looked like this? Its just a thought. Today's Gratitude Item: Parent / Teacher interviews. They are a lot of work but are very worthwhile. Its nice to…

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Pink Mercedes

This one reminded me of the Mercedes logos. My dad used to drive one of those in South Africa. He still misses it - but not enough to get a…

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Ross the Ranger

This guy is prepared for any eventuality. Today's Gratitude Item: Google Maps. Doing "mapwork" with students is so much easier now. Before, when we wanted them to investigate New Zealand's…

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Good Looking Cooking

Or should that be "good looking cook". If you look closely, you'll notice this guy has an apron - I suspect that the BBQ is not too far away. Today's…

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Inside the Hive

Sometimes humans work as hard as bees! Today's Gratitude Item: No longer being stiff / sore. It only took two days, but I'm pretty much fully recovered from doing "The…

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Passinate Pink Flower

This one took a fair bit of tweaking to get right. The clipart also took a while to create. Hopefully it was worth it. Today's Gratitude Item: Learning about linked…


Paradise Pod

Emu's aren't exactly birds of paradise, but in my world even the ordinary can become exotic. Today's Gratitude Item: My dad took some brilliant reference photos of Rangitoto for me.…

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Still Mowing

This one reminds me of a saying I read somewhere: We pray for rain to make grass grow and then alas we have to mow! Today's Gratitude Item: Being able…

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Mowing the Lawn

Throw in a cool fractal and even the most tedious of chores becomes a joy. Today's Gratitude Item: Four out of the ten texture photos I submitted were accepted on…


Imprisoned Flamingo

Inspired by a trip to the zoo. The animals are not kept behind actual bars anymore - which is a good thing. Today's Gratitude Item: That my local CAB still…

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