Globe Flamingo
This bird is getting ready to fly off into the sunset. Today's Gratitude Item: Having more than enough white wool to finish "Project Blanket". It looked a bit dicey for…
This bird is getting ready to fly off into the sunset. Today's Gratitude Item: Having more than enough white wool to finish "Project Blanket". It looked a bit dicey for…
Its about the family connection, more than the decorations. This image is not that "Christmassy", but then, I don't really "do" Christmas (its the whole Jewish thing). Today's Gratitude Item:…
This is not the view from inside my living room, but wouldn't it be cool if it was! Today's Gratitude Item: Getting to see our library volunteer (who recently turned…
This one turned out rather well. Its appropriate too as with summer well entrenched the garden is looking really lovely. Today's Gratitude Item: It looks like I'll have work for…
When I was growing up, we used to have brightly covered feather dusters made from stained ostrich plumage. Said feather dusters were not quite as pretty as this image, but…
Sometimes creating fractals can be rather relaxing :) Needless to say this is an extremely appropriate image for a Sunday afternoon. Today's Gratitude Item: Even though I had an extremely…
Another in my "couple walking" series. Today's Gratitude Item: Getting some really good reference shots of the various animals at the zoo. Not having to pay to get in was…
Nothing is nicer than walking with a loved one, just because you can. Today's Gratitude Item: Fine weather which means my 8th graders went to the beach leaving me free…
If you use your imagination, the background could be these guys in full flight. Did I mention that a significant amount of imagination might be required? Today's Gratitude Item: Discovering…
This rain is certainly out of the ordinary! No wonder the child is fascinated by it.Today's Gratitude Item: Seeing my Uncle and Cousin from Australia again. It has been a…