Magenta Butterfly
Is it just me or is there something a bit magical about this one? Today's Gratitude Item: Being safe, warm and dry at home. Weather has turned wet (again). Happily…
Is it just me or is there something a bit magical about this one? Today's Gratitude Item: Being safe, warm and dry at home. Weather has turned wet (again). Happily…
Is this one too similar to yesterday's image? I'm thinking it is... Today's Gratitude Item: The slicing guide that came with our bread maker. I used it for the first…
This looks like something out of the '60's... Today's Gratitude Item: Finally getting a piece of JavaScript / jQuery to cooperate. It took forever to do something that should have…
Here is something quite modern for a change. Today's Gratitude Item: A successful visit to the dentist. Am all sorted for another year (it's a really good feeling).
This is what happens when one merges a flower and a spiral. Am not entirely sure that this was a good idea. Today's Gratitude Item: A delightful, stress free day.…
Simple but effective. Today's Gratitude Item: We are *almost* done for the school year. Tomorrow we have clean-up followed by food / farewells. Being at the start of the summer…
Not nearly as successful as yesterday's image but not horrible enough to bin. Today's Gratitude Item: A very successful end-of-year dance event. It would not have happened without my incredible…
The title really says it all. Today's Gratitude Item: Realising that I can use 'all caps' in Duolingo to type in English and lowercase to type in Hebrew which saves…
This one combines colour and movement. It's good when that happens. Today's Gratitude Item: Getting an early night - at least, that is the plan!
Another one of those fractal flowers that just worked. Today's Gratitude Item: Another brilliant day at CS4HS. Have learned quite a few things and also have some exciting resources to…