Pink Bubble Weave

This one seemed like a good idea at the time. Now I'm not so sure. Today's Gratitude Item: Pita, falafel and donuts at the library today! I was really well…

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Floral Optimist

This is the ultimate wallpaper for the optimistic female geek! Enjoy. Today's Gratitude Item: Spring cleaning! Had a "clean out" today and was amazed at the amount of stuff that…

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Package Deal

You get the spheres, box and ribbon all for the price of one wallpaper. Today's Gratitude Item: Lame "knock knock" jokes. These only make you laugh if you have an…

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Geometric Wonder

The symmetry of this one "works". Not too sure about the colours though :) Today's Gratitude Item: Fixing the weird thing that was happening with one of my "maps". Not…

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Hands Dancing

Dedicated to all those Sign Language Interpreters out there! Today's Gratitude Item: Getting new pillows for my bed! My old ones were rather "dead" and the new ones are brilliant.…


Moon River

Perhaps based on the song which has the same name? I can hear the lyrics in my head :) Today's Gratitude Item: Making lists. Its the only way I manage…

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Diaspora Dreaming

This image is evocative of roots - which made it an appropriate place for the poem. Some of you may have seen this image before, it got posted on idreamincolor…

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Liquid Passion

If you're passionate about pink, then you might enjoy this. Of course if you loathe pink, you may wish to look away from your computer screen! Today's Gratitude Item: Late…


Amethyst Star

Whilst the colours are relatively subdued, this one has a nice 3D thing going for it. Today's Gratitude Item: "The Zone". Known to Psychologists as flow, "the zone" is a…

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Sunset Flower

Here's another image created with "the hack". If you squint and use your imagination, the flower is sort of 3D. Today's Gratitude Item: A sense of humour! Turns out that…

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