
I've had good feedback regarding that "page curl" effect, so decided it was time to repeat the experience. These scales / shells were made with the Apo "3D" hack. Today's…

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Jewel River

Looks a bit like old fashioned curtains. The icon space "blind" just continues the theme. Today's Gratitude Item: That the weekend is finally here! This week has felt a lot…

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Woven Items

Same basic params as yesterday's effort, different final transform and gradient. I think the effect is rather interesting. Today's Gratitude Item: Getting a whole lot of small things done! None…

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Pastel Diamonds

This would be a good time to remind you all that diamonds really are a girl's best friend! Today's Gratitude Item: The latest 3D Hack version of Apophysis. Its giving…

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I still hate pink! Hence the title. Of course the image is literally "twisted" around too. As is all too often the case, the pink gradient does make the thing…

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Psychedelic Ribbon

Every so often, bright colours can "work". This desktop wallpaper is certain to liven things up a little. Today's Gratitude Item: Having time to create stuff on my computer! Also,…

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Pink Ripples

Well not exactly pink, there's more of a mauve / maroon thing happening in the background. Its amazing what apo can sometimes do. Today's Gratitude Item: Being almost better. Had…

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Pure Pink

This one gets filed in the "I hate it, but someone out there is bound to like it" box. The problem of course is the colour. Needless to say, this…

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Criss Cross

Decided to play with Tierazon a while ago. Here's the result. I think the colours might be a bit bold for my taste, but at the same time, the design…

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