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It turns out that I have a thing for curved geometric patterns. Today's Gratitude Item: Getting a fair bit of school related stuff done. It was not fun but it's…
It turns out that I have a thing for curved geometric patterns. Today's Gratitude Item: Getting a fair bit of school related stuff done. It was not fun but it's…
This one is both funky and fun. Today's Gratitude Item: Shiny wool. Using said wool made a project that I'm working on turn out way better than expected.
If you use your imagination, this could be a gift wrapped sphere. Today's Gratitude Item: Finally have time to get a long overdue haircut. It feels great!
Ripples are good. When they appear, they are invariably coloured in interesting ways and kept. Today's Gratitude Item: A brilliant turnout at dance class. After a few weeks of quite…
Sometimes using a monochrome background can be effective. This was one of those times. Today's Gratitude Item: A pretty good day. Got more done than expected :)
I think this particular flower blooms mostly at night. Today's Gratitude Item: Not having to edit the Daily Notices slideshow for tomorrow as we have a 'Teacher Only' day. Which…
In case you were wondering, this is where insect wings are made... Today's Gratitude Item: Finally getting around to making a revision worksheet for one of my senior classes. Their…
Named for the fact that this pattern repeats ad-infinitum. Today's Gratitude Item: A brilliant day 'out' visiting xero. They organised a day of fascinating sessions which has given me an…
In a fractal world, this is where ribbons are made. Today's Gratitude Item: Read one book (427 pages) and made four video tutorials. All in all a 'balanced' day which…
This was a starter fractal that went on to create a number of cool images. Today's Gratitude Item: An amazing dinner. We tried something a bit different and it worked!…