Shimmer Web
If this is the web, what does the spider look like? Today's Gratitude Item: Finally submitting my second Uni assignment. Two down, one more to go. Only problem is that…
If this is the web, what does the spider look like? Today's Gratitude Item: Finally submitting my second Uni assignment. Two down, one more to go. Only problem is that…
The colours of this one required a fair bit of tweaking. Today's Gratitude Item: Getting updated contact information for a site I maintain without the anticipated pain of tracking down…
This one is somewhere between a flower and a weird web. Today's Gratitude Item: I'm considering switching schools for next year which means that the hunt for a new job…
As in the center is quite 'hard' and the surrounding texture is quite soft. Today's Gratitude Item: A really relaxing 'play' day where no real work was done.
This one is a bit too floral for my liking... Today's Gratitude Item: That replacing some of my less than perfect images with improved versions on flickr was really easy.
This one is a twist on a very familiar theme. Today's Gratitude Item: Figuring out how to make a flat square image curve around a pre-existing cylinder. If this sounds…
Sometimes being 'slightly off' works - this was one of those times. Today's Gratitude Item: That in addition to being on school holidays, things are really quiet on the Uni…
As in a wall with lots of holes. Today's Gratitude Item: Good timing, lovely weather and a brilliant Saturday afternoon nap. Also not being stressed about having to prepare work…
With a twist! Today's Gratitude Item: That my last appointment for this evening cancelled which meant getting home slightly earlier than expected. It was still a 'too long' day though...
In the original, the heart was a lot harder to see. This one required quite a bit of post processing in GIMP. Today's Gratitude Item: That it is easy to…