Hole Disc
The 'negative' space is what makes this one work. Today's Gratitude Item: A second jigsaw puzzle! Summer holidays = puzzles. That is just the way it is. Once said puzzle…
The 'negative' space is what makes this one work. Today's Gratitude Item: A second jigsaw puzzle! Summer holidays = puzzles. That is just the way it is. Once said puzzle…
Sometimes plain and simple can be really effective Today's Gratitude Item: Being able to walk outdoors (twice) after two rain filled 'no exercise' days.
This one was interesting enough to be rendered. It's not all that inspiring though. Today's Gratitude Item: Finding out that 'Snap' works on iPads. It's really similar to scratch but…
Had fun making the background for this one. Today's Gratitude Item: Having time to explore various apps for programming on iPads. Whilst an iPad is not the best device to…
Named for the small lily at the bottom left. Some squinting might be required. Today's Gratitude Item: Making at least some progress on a project which is turning out to…
This one is a bit 'dull'. Thought the colours would 'pop' a bit more than they do. Today's Gratitude Item: Mild Christmas entertainment. On my evening walk had the pleasure…
Once again, Apophysis managed to deliver a nice surprise. Today's Gratitude Item: A brilliant end of year dance session / dinner. Everyone had a great time and the turn out…
This one might be a bit too geometric... Today's Gratitude Item: Gorgeous summer weather (ie: cool but not raining). Perfect for being outside. Perfect for staying indoors :)
The background was a nice surprise. I'm loving GIMP's filters which make creating tiled designs very easy. Today's Gratitude Item: That NZQA is very happy with how I'm assessing my…
Originally this one was called 'hole flower' but then the hole in the middle disappeared. Today's Gratitude Item: Finally managing to get online and blog! Weirdly the wireless signal is…