Flower Factory
As in the place that fractal flowers are made Today's Gratitude Item: Being able to get an early morning coffee at school tomorrow. Last week, it did not happen and…
As in the place that fractal flowers are made Today's Gratitude Item: Being able to get an early morning coffee at school tomorrow. Last week, it did not happen and…
One specifically designed for all those "Geek Girls" out there. Today's Gratitude Item: Having time to simply 'play'. This may well be the calm before the storm though. Am expecting…
This one is reminiscent of previous works - it goes that way sometimes Today's Gratitude Item: Pretty much being left to my own devices for 'Teacher Only day'. Got loads…
This one is similar to previous works - as is often the case, it was pretty so I rendered it. Today's Gratitude Item: That one of my more 'reluctant' students…
Another 'pretty' string image which is similar to previous efforts. Today's Gratitude Item: A great turn out at dance class despite the cold weather we are having. Am really looking…
Liked the ripple effect of this one. Today's Gratitude Item: Having time to catch up with a number of small chores. It's amazing how much time those 'small chores' can…
Got lucky with this one. Said luck took quite a while to happen though. Today's Gratitude Item: The smell of freshly baked raisin bread - absolute heaven.
It's good when 'different' pays a visit. Today's Gratitude Item: Managing to 'export' my python program (from yesterday) into an .exe file which anyone can use. The actual file /…
As in it's a heart - only a bit complicated. Today's Gratitude Item: Writing my first ever Python program which is actually useful. I now have an easy way to…
This one is far too pink for my taste - hopefully it will appeal to 'someone' out there. Today's Gratitude Item: That our 'broken' washing machine was coaxed back to…