Israeli Architecture
Creating the "star of David" braid for this one took a while - but the effort was well worth it. Today's Gratitude Item: That I managed to convince my local…
Creating the "star of David" braid for this one took a while - but the effort was well worth it. Today's Gratitude Item: That I managed to convince my local…
This one could be a city abstract, complete with sky scrapers. Today's Gratitude Item: A cloudy morning. It meant being able to see my computer screen (and thus work) in…
This combines two things that make me really happy. Spirals and checkers. Only downside is the distinct possibility that the spiral addiction is winning. Today's Gratitude Item: Being back home…
For some reason this one reminded me of the paper lanterns we used to make as kids. Today's Gratitude Item: Comment moderation! It's great to be able to reject dodgy…
Tried a mixture of variants on the final transform and this appeared. Today's Gratitude Item: That everyone joined in the dancing for Simchat Torah tonight. I know the actual festival…
Why settle for one arch when you can get two? Today's Gratitude Item: Amusing card tricks. Usually I'm very bad at doing 'magic' tricks but have finally found a trick…
Had fun with this one. Today's Gratitude Item: That revisiting old 'params' is a great technique for creating new fractals.
Had fun with this one. Today's Gratitude Item: The first real day of summer. Weather was much hotter than we are used to and daylight saving beings in a few…
Or BFSS for short :) Today's Gratitude Item: That I don't live in the US where, apparently they colour their cheese so that it is orange. Was listening to an…
Tried a new final transform variation and this is what happened. Looked better on a white background. Today's Gratitude Item: That one of my colleagues wanted to switch exam supervision…