Alien Artifact
If any aliens out there have lost an artifact, I think I found it. Today's Gratitude Item: That I don't need to cook dinner because I have been invited out…
If any aliens out there have lost an artifact, I think I found it. Today's Gratitude Item: That I don't need to cook dinner because I have been invited out…
Made with Apophysis - from a new blank flame. This was back when I had too much time on my hands. Today's Gratitude Item: My neighbour raked the leaves off…
The fractal below was created to celebrate the second birthday of my blog. Virtual cake / candles are in order here! Today's Gratitude Item: I am really grateful to all…
Made with Apo 2.04 Now I understand all the excitement about this latest version. This graphic could not have been done without the help gained from the amazing guys at…
Created with Apo 2.04. It took a while to get this effect but it "works". Today's Gratitude Item: Cold "rotten" weather. The ultimate excuse to stay inside, nap, read and…