Nocturnal Fringe Flower

This one is both a flower and a fan, nicely encased in a woven mesh. Today's Gratitude Item: Being safe, warm and dry. School closed early due to the extreme…

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Hippy Tree Fungi

Mushrooms anyone? Today's Gratitude Item: Having a 'tall person' help me scrape some of the paint off my classroom ceiling (said paint was peeling quite badly and it definitely looks…

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Extreme Diamond Flower

A variation on our current theme which is both interesting and pretty. Today's Gratitude Item: The look on student faces when they understand a concept - it's both priceless and…

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Arrow Discus

This one is more than just a pretty pink swirl. Today's Gratitude Item: Breaks in the rain - as in our students did not get soaked at interval because the…

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Ups and Downs (in String)

I like the white arrows in this one. Today's Gratitude Item: A fantastic turn out at dance - having more people in the circle definitely makes a difference (in a…

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Stained Floral Window

This one is pretty enough - even though it is quite dark. Today's Gratitude Item: Another very easy day. I'm starting to look forward to going back to school but…

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Sufficiently Interesting

As the name suggests, this one was interesting enough to keep. Today's Gratitude Item: Finding a relatively new book by one of my favourite authors (and not having to wait…

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Interlocking Spirals

The spirals on this one are subtle but effective. Today's Gratitude Item: I have one more video to make and then my level 2 database resource will basically be completed.…

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Eclipse Ring

Rings are almost always pretty. Here is a case in point. Today's Gratitude Item: A remarkably productive day. Making significant progress on a project is always cause for celebration.

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Fire Ripple Wave

Sometimes a bit of fire is a good thing. Today's Gratitude Item: Finding a fast, easy way to do a routine task. It's good when that happens.

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