Heart Fern

Can't see the hearts? Squint and use your imagination. Today's Gratitude Item: Leftovers for a *late* lunch. Naturally said leftovers tasted amazing.

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Almost Igloo

Another 'what was I thinking' image... Today's Gratitude Item: That the 'great password reset' which is happening at school means that now everyone's google login will be the same as…

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Modern Curve Stitching

Really similar to yesterday's post but nice enough to be worth sharing. Today's Gratitude Item: Resolving a 'trip vs assessment' problem so that everyone gets what they want.

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Rose Network

Named for the colour and the delicate lines. Today's Gratitude Item: That the roller-coaster ride that was today ended on a positive note. Here's hoping that tomorrow has more ups…

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Another Spiral

This one is a bit dull - but I liked it enough to hold onto it. Today's Gratitude Item: Unexpected dessert. It's good when that happens.

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Flower Imagination

As in it could be a close up of a weird flower. Today's Gratitude Item: Both my parents have had their second does of the COVID-19 vaccine. It's great to…

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Amethyst Arch

I liked the delicate purple lines on this one... Today's Gratitude Item: Having a bit of extra time to get marking done as one of my classes had something else…

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Light Lines

Another one of those 'simple in a good way' images. Today's Gratitude Item: The cheesy pita pocket that I had for lunch. It was really tasty and made a nice…

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Woven Doorway

Sometimes subdued colours 'just work'. This was one of those times. Today's Gratitude Item: Not being too busy. I fear this may be the calm before the storm.

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Arch Interest

It turns out that I have a thing for curved geometric patterns. Today's Gratitude Item: Getting a fair bit of school related stuff done. It was not fun but it's…

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