Floating Fantasy

This one has it all. A star, a flower and loads of fractal string. Today's Gratitude Item: That it's raining (which is good) and said rain only started after my…

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String Symmetry and Night

Every so often, choosing a darker palette works out well. Today's Gratitude Item: Getting a proper standing desk at school! Our carpentery teacher made it for me in his own…

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Ligh Rock

This one looked like it was rocking back and forward (the effect was lost when it got rotated, the name stuck). Today's Gratitude Item: Getting an early start on tomorrow…

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Pipe Wave

As in a wave that includes a pipe. Today's Gratitude Item: Getting quite a bit of concrete planning done for this year. It is amazing just how long it takes…

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Block Patch

A fun variation on a theme. Today's Gratitude Item: Making good progress on a presentation that I'm giving next week. It's amazing just how long preparing for these things can…

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Knot Hole

As in a hole that one makes when tying a fractal knot. Today's Gratitude Item: Getting back into work mode. My first task is to prepare for a workshop that…

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Odd Blocks

The result of some very careful playing. Today's Gratitude Item: Having a stack of library books to read. Most of them fall under the category of 'light entertainment' which is…

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String Daze

The holes in this one were put in using GIMP. It took a while but was worth the effort. Today's Gratitude Item: Being the first to use our new oven.…

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Hotwheels Revisted

In my defense, it's been a while... Today's Gratitude Item: Breakfast for dinner. It was just one of those days :)

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Wind Candle

If you look closely, you can see the flame in this one. making the flame orange looked horrible, whereas somehow the pink gradient just works. Today's Gratitude Item: Finally getting…

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