Dancing Diamonds

Different but fun... Today's Gratitude Item: Finally getting various WordPress plugins to co-operate. It took a while but the results were worth the effort.

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Flower time

A bit too old fashioned for my liking but as is so often the case, not quite ugly enough to bin. Today's Gratitude Item: A very easy fast - and…

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String Blob

Sometimes my fractals have holes in them. Invariably this is a good thing. Today's Gratitude Item: One of my students wrote a program in Python to do his Mathematics homework.…

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String Stretch

Sometimes fancy braid is exactly what is needed. Today's Gratitude Items! One more day of school before we get a holiday break. My marking pile got smaller (rather than continuing…

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Square Centered Flower

Simple but still fun. Today's Gratitude Item: That the relief I had to do today was easy. The teacher I was covering for is mentoring a student teacher which meant…

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String Waves

As in waves made out of string. Today's Gratitude Item: A number of my students opted to skip today's practice assessment. Whilst this would not normally be cause for gratitude,…

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X Target

It's a cliche but 'x marks the spot'. Today's Gratitude Item: That every so often someone in my subject association asks a question that I wanted to ask (but was…

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Wave Perfection

This one turned out better than expected. Today's Gratitude Item: My new drivers license arrived in the mail and the photo is quite nice. Given that this lasts for 10…

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Candly Spike

Reminded me of the candy we used to get as kids. Today's Gratitude Item: Being a fully fledged member of the AA. This was an early birthday present from my…

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Modern Deco

As in a modern twist on an Art Deco design. Today's Gratitude Item: That some student errors are relatively easy to fix :)

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