Crater Blossom

It turns out that carefully placed craters can be quite pretty. Today's Gratitude Item: Extremely fresh mandarins - straight from our tree. Said fruit was a bit tricky to peel…

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Weird Flowers

Sometimes 'weird' is a good thing. Today's Gratitude Item: Fabric Technology Students who were willing to repair some distressed headphone bags. Said bags were made from a silky, smooth fabric…

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Sphere Birth

There is something a bit ominous about this one. Today's Gratitude Item: Large fine periods during this morning's intermittent rain. Said dry spots were enough to allow a carefully timed…

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Tunnel Mystery

As in that tunnel leads somewhere - only the exact location is a mystery. Today's Gratitude Item: Finding a kanban system that might work well with my junior classes. Whilst…

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A Bit of Magic

There is actually no such thing as magic but sometimes we can get close. Today's Gratitude Item: The Ministry has agreed to fund resource development for one of my proposals.…

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Web Scaffold

Before one builds a web, scaffolding is sometimes necessary. Today's Gratitude Item: Getting my broken stop-light fixed with minimum fuss and in record time :)

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Light Sculpture

The candle in the middle of this one was a nice surprise. Today's Gratitude Item: No major issues with the new computers at school. My students were able to pick…

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Zig Braid

This one was both unexpected and quite interesting. Today's Gratitude Item: A super restful day. Decided not to do any computer work today and really enjoyed the time off :)

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Pot and Pipes

Sometimes apophysis does weird woven things. This was one of those times. Today's Gratitude Item: Connecting with a colleague over coffee. Being able to 'talk shop' with another teacher who…

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Hot Feather Disc

Sometimes bright colours are good. This was one of those times. Today's Gratitude Item: Figuring out how 'rows' work when using grid css. It took a while but was worth…

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