Must Focus
Inspired by the fact that this one uses the 'foci' variation. Today's Gratitude Item: That no matter how insane Wednesdays get, I can look forward to dance in the evening…
Inspired by the fact that this one uses the 'foci' variation. Today's Gratitude Item: That no matter how insane Wednesdays get, I can look forward to dance in the evening…
In addition to having a thing for 'spirals', I also have a thing for grids. Today's Gratitude Item: That one of my most difficult students had a great day today…
This is one of those times when watching one's step would be wise. Today's Gratitude Item: Getting to the end of my course 'intensive' (it was great) and being able…
I could not fill the holes in Apophysis so some careful post processing was required. Today's Gratitude Item: So far the 'intensive' course is going well although I am looking…
Sometimes 'old' designs are worth revisiting. Today's Gratitude Item: A good day in the kitchen. It's funny how when one bakes it makes the entire day seem worthwhile.
As in this one reminded me of silk that might be used to make a hot air balloon. Today's Gratitude Item: Finally finishing my Shavuot graphic for 5777. It will…
The spiral addiction strikes again. Today's Gratitude Item: Pesach is over! Whilst I probably love matzos more than the next guy, it will be good to get back to being…
Sometimes purple is a good idea. Today's Gratitude Item: Loads of rain! Normally I'm not a fan of being wet but it rained enough that they had to cancel the…
This one could be filed under 'Crazy. Colourful. What was I thinking!!' Today's Gratitude Item: Student emails where first they let me know there is a problem and then shortly…
As in the connections here go way beneath the surface. Today's Gratitude Item: A colleague switched duties with me so I did not have to be out on the field.…