Knowledge Fountain
This one looks like a teacup / saucer on LSD. Today's Gratitude Item: The electromagnet that I made today worked really well - which means that I'm ready to do…
This one looks like a teacup / saucer on LSD. Today's Gratitude Item: The electromagnet that I made today worked really well - which means that I'm ready to do…
What more can I say? Today's Gratitude Item: Realising that I can edit .pdf files using Illustrator. More specifically, being able to edit a logo that a client sent through…
This one is for Zeev who suggested creating a compass using a Star of David a very long time ago. Today's Gratitude Item: The coffee thing happened this morning! It…
This one is another Incendia creation. Like last time, it did not finish rendering (I stopped it after about 5 hours). Today's Gratitude Item: That my 7th graders did a…
This one was created with Incendia. This program can do some really amazing 3D stuff - provided one has the patience to wait for the renders to finish. I was…
The quote seemed apt. Its a pity that patchwork quilts are not generally made of fractals. Today's Gratitude Item: That its a long weekend. "Labour Day" also feels like something…
Had fun with this one :) Today's Gratitude Item: Getting to see two Kokako having a water bath when on a field trip to Tiritiri Matangi. This time around, the…
The quote makes even more sense if you consider yesterday's image. Today's Gratitude Item: Finding out about Incendia which is an extremely promising 3D fractal generator.
Work flow went like this: Make Fractal, find quote, name fractal. Hope this is not too hot to handle. Today's Gratitude Item: Getting a large amount of marking done and…
If cocoa plants were fractals, this is what they would like like. I found the quote on virtual chocolate. Today's Gratitude Item: "Nailing it" by chance. The principal of our…