Ancient Portal

As is often the case, revisiting old styles can lead to very pleasing results. Today's Gratitude Item: That tomorrow probably won't be as busy as today. Not that today was…

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In the Zone

Sometimes a whole series of fractals appears with great ease. Those times are good :) Today's Gratitude Item: That mini-chocolate muffins (home made) on Mother's day = a very happy…

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Guidance Revisited

I revisited an old pattern and came up with a light that could be used to guide the lost - hence the title. Today's Gratitude Item: A drizzly morning. Mainly…

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ANZAC Day – Early Post!

This one was made especially for ANZAC day. It was inspired by a photo (seen on flickr) of the Israeli flag flying somewhere but everything in the photo was grayscale…

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String Circles

Took a fair bit of playing to get this one, but the time spent was worth it. Today's Gratitude Item: Being ready to go back to school. Despite holidays always…

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In the Loop

Its amazing what you can do with a *lot* of virtual string. Today's Gratitude Item: Clean hair! I had a small growth removed from my neck last Thursday (it did…

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And You Shall Bind

This one is the sixth wallpaper in the "Shema" series. The Hebrew is from the Shema and translates as:And you shall bind them as a sign on your hand, and…

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When two fractal suns meet, this is what happens. Today's Gratitude Item: A fun night out. It's almost a pity that I have to go to school in the morning.

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Solar Stairs

Tried a new variation on this one. The results are pleasing enough but the variation in question is pretty limited in what it does. Today's Gratitude Item: Finally having time…

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This one started off as a single large multi-coloured triangle. Was extremely pleased with the result. Today's Gratitude Item: That a system restore fixed the problem with my graphics tablet.…

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