Hollow Warning

As in it looks like a warning sign - only it's hollow. Today's Gratitude Item: Our three week long school reading challenge is over. It was fun but I *might*…

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Named because it is close an American flag - but not close enough. Today's Gratitude Item: That today's afternoon meeting was changed from something irrelevant to 'department time' (which is…

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Paper Heart

Where the 'paper' in question is fairly rustic. Today's Gratitude Item: Tomorrow's PD session is available online. It was a bit of a mission to get our school leaders to…

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Faded American

Looks a bit like an American flag if one uses a lot of imagination. Today's Gratitude Item: Our student's photos for this year are finally on our system which makes…

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Turning Japanese

It's a bit special when a fractal image looks similar to a country's flag / symbol. Today's Gratitude Item: Catching up on sleep. It was needed more than usual as…

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Wave Bars

Quite simple but rather appealing. Today's Gratitude Item: Slowly getting things ready for the upcoming school year. Having a few more days to get ready is really good.

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Jam Doughnut

In a fractal world, this is what dessert looks like. Today's Gratitude Item: Figuring out how to get Education Perfect to generate questions that ask students to convert between decimal…

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Off Center Square

It's a bit off-center but in a good way. Today's Gratitude Item: Air conditioning! I've probably been grateful for this before but when it's super hot outside and one is…

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Ghost Filigree

As in this one looks like a bunch of ghosts joined by a thin wire. Today's Gratitude Item: A delightful day spent making a series of fractals. It was remarkably…

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Window Smoke

The title really says it all... Today's Gratitude Item: That the glitch preventing users from downloading eBooks from my local library was short lived. Over lock-down I slowly grew to…

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