Delicate Disc Design
Combine a disc with ripple and this is what happens. Today's Gratitude Item: A perfect day! Manged to walk before the weather packed in and spent the rest of the…
Combine a disc with ripple and this is what happens. Today's Gratitude Item: A perfect day! Manged to walk before the weather packed in and spent the rest of the…
Similar to yesterday's image but different enough to be worth keeping. Today's Gratitude Item: My Adobe Acrobat is finally working on my computer again after a very long time where…
This is what happens when you carefully stir a ripple in a fractal universe. Today's Gratitude Item: Getting quite a bit done today, including getting ready for my final group…
Familiar but still fun. Today's Gratitude Item: A delightful day of rest. This is typical of my Saturdays and I'm grateful for this simple fact.
This one is 'interesting' rather than 'pretty'. It might work quite well as a desktop background as it's not too demanding. Today's Gratitude Item: Being ready for tomorrow! My marking…
This one is both quirky and calming. An odd combination that mostly works. Today's Gratitude Item: A peaceful day and not feeling overwhelmed with work stuff. This could be because…
Here is something that is refreshingly different. Today's Gratitude Item: Fixing a box of 'broken' headphones where the problem was loose wires that could be repaired with some judicious soldering.…
It's either a violent weather pattern or a funky new type of radar. Today's Gratitude Item: Getting some important, time sensitive paperwork done. Having it out of the way is…
This was one of those times when everything just worked. It's good when that happens. Today's Gratitude Item: Getting all of my marking from last term sorted. I was particularly…
Perhaps this one should have been called 'Interlocking Cog Ripples'. Whilst there is a lot going on here, the pattern is quite pretty. Today's Gratitude Item: Figuring out how to…