Sharp Splash
Sometime ripples appear at unexpectedly. Today's Gratitude Item: My new 8th grade class is both small and lovely. This particular group of kids all coped with the assigned work and…
Sometime ripples appear at unexpectedly. Today's Gratitude Item: My new 8th grade class is both small and lovely. This particular group of kids all coped with the assigned work and…
Sometimes a pattern is best described as interesting, but vaguely disturbing. Today's Gratitude Item: Getting official notification that we can once again have our face-to-face dance class this week. It's…
The rendered version was a lot more purple than anticipated. Am not convinced that this is a good thing. Today's Gratitude Item: Finally figuring out how to use correct colour…
I think the terms 'funky' and 'weird' are applicable in this case. Today's Gratitude Item: Finding an open source program (Converseen) that will let me export transparent .png files as…
Even though we have been here before, I could not stop myself from keeping this one. Today's Gratitude Item: Getting through today. School was tougher than usual thanks to a…
The holes reminded me of wind instruments. Today's Gratitude Item: A brilliant Queen's Birthday Monday. I love the fact that we get to take the day off in honour of…
The pattern in the middle sort of reminded me of drift wood. Today's Gratitude Item: My speakers at school are finally working again. Needless to say this is a big…
Originally the outer spiral was a weird pale purple colour. In this case, removing most of the colour worked well. Today's Gratitude Item: A post lock-down haircut. It feels great!
Another image that proves that 'different' is not necessarily 'better' - was not ugly enough to bin. Today's Gratitude Item: Our remote dancing 'Tech Check' went well. The idea was…
As is so often the case, I'm pretty sure we have been here before. Today's Gratitude Item: Having a bit more time with my classes. Whilst quite a few students…