Frosty Encounter
Sometimes 'delicate' is the best option. Today's Gratitude Item: Finally making progress with my image for Pesach 5778. It's not done yet but I was stuck for ages yesterday when…
Sometimes 'delicate' is the best option. Today's Gratitude Item: Finally making progress with my image for Pesach 5778. It's not done yet but I was stuck for ages yesterday when…
As in a drop of water headed for a target. Today's Gratitude Item: That changing the colours of a website can be extremely easily. It helps if one has used…
Sometimes images are quick to create - this was one of those times. Today's Gratitude Item: That this time around my date/ orange muffins did not flop :)
Sometimes cold 'works' - especially on a hot summer day. Today's Gratitude Item: New Socks! The old ones were well and truly worn out.
I liked the holes so it got rendered. Today's Gratitude Item: Avoiding a tedious and time consuming task. Some finesse was required :)
Took a nice pattern and zoomed in. A lot. Today's Gratitude Item: Making good progress a tedious but necessary task.
Similar to previous images but nice enough to be worth rendering. Today's Gratitude Item: Learning a 'new to me' dance that was actually taught a couple of years ago at…
Sometimes '3D' happens - this time it required surprisingly little effort. Today's Gratitude Item: Vindication! For the past two years I have focused on 'skills based' material in my senior…
Had fun with this one. Today's Gratitude Item: One of my seventh grade Math students emailed asking for help with a homework question. She is the first one to actually…
This one is for all the Trekkies out there. Today's Gratitude Item: Getting a surprising amount of 'stuff' done. An actually feeling vaguely ready for the week ahead.