Shell Sensation
Everything about this one was experimental. I was quite pleased with the outcome. Today's Gratitude Item: Tell Tale - a collection of short stories by Jeffrey Archer. A brilliant, easy…
Everything about this one was experimental. I was quite pleased with the outcome. Today's Gratitude Item: Tell Tale - a collection of short stories by Jeffrey Archer. A brilliant, easy…
Spiral shells have officially been upgraded. Today's Gratitude Item: Christmas is over! Perhaps now the return to normality can begin.
Here is what a colony of fractal sea shells might look like. Today's Gratitude Item: A visiting dancer. Its always nice when we have visitors to dance class from overseas…
The quotation really says it all. Today's Gratitude Item: Managing to program "shoe bot"* so that he wondered around the kitchen without bumping into the walls / cupboards. *Shoe bot…
It looks a bit like a sea shell. Especially if you squint and use your imagination. Today's Gratitude Item: Having one more day of holiday left. Its not that I…
Beneath the sea, beyond the beach, Lie treasures beyond our reach. Nestled in the darkest deep, Is a glistening crop we cannot reap Today's Gratitude Item: I am very grateful…
I am always amazed at how much even a small amount of tweaking can change an image. The small image (bottom right) is the initial image generated in Apophysis. The…
The graphic below was named for the fact that it was created on Christmas day 2005. Today's Gratitude Item: Jdates gone wrong is today's item. It is a great little…
This one is dedicated to my mom. She "helped" make it by standing behind me and commenting on my progress as I tweaked. Thanks mom!! Appropriatly, today (and every day)…