Shell Sensation

Everything about this one was experimental. I was quite pleased with the outcome. Today's Gratitude Item: Tell Tale - a collection of short stories by Jeffrey Archer. A brilliant, easy…

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Shell Shock 2.0

Spiral shells have officially been upgraded. Today's Gratitude Item: Christmas is over! Perhaps now the return to normality can begin.

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Shell Row

Here is what a colony of fractal sea shells might look like. Today's Gratitude Item: A visiting dancer. Its always nice when we have visitors to dance class from overseas…

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Mathematical Boundaries

The quotation really says it all. Today's Gratitude Item: Managing to program "shoe bot"* so that he wondered around the kitchen without bumping into the walls / cupboards. *Shoe bot…

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Sunset Shell

It looks a bit like a sea shell. Especially if you squint and use your imagination. Today's Gratitude Item: Having one more day of holiday left. Its not that I…


Shell Gem

Beneath the sea, beyond the beach, Lie treasures beyond our reach. Nestled in the darkest deep, Is a glistening crop we cannot reap Today's Gratitude Item: I am very grateful…


Deep Rainbow

I am always amazed at how much even a small amount of tweaking can change an image. The small image (bottom right) is the initial image generated in Apophysis. The…

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Christmas Shell

The graphic below was named for the fact that it was created on Christmas day 2005. Today's Gratitude Item: Jdates gone wrong is today's item. It is a great little…


Shell Path

This one is dedicated to my mom. She "helped" make it by standing behind me and commenting on my progress as I tweaked. Thanks mom!! Appropriatly, today (and every day)…